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Top 4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Payroll

Last Updated: November 8, 2022

Payrolling has various benefits. It provides significant savings in both time and money. Are you unsure whether payrolling is something for you? We have listed the biggest benefits from having an Outsourced Payroll.

Payroll Outsourcing Advantages


Having personnel in employment unfortunately also comes with administrative red tape. By outsourcing this to a payrolling company, you can hand over the red tape, so HR can focus fully on recruitment & selection of personnel and daily monitoring thereof. HR will have time to implement HR policy, instead of being occupied with personnel administration.

Payrolling also means automation and efficiency, without investing in software and hardware.

Cost reduction

Advancing salaries, with all additional employee costs, takes a big bite out of the budget. Money you would rather invest in something else. These costs increase significantly when more people are hired. You will have to deal with more administration, more rules concerning sickness, holiday allowances and premiums. You may have to purchase software and the know-how to operate it. In short, the costs run high rapidly.

TCP Solutions has the liquid assets to advance these costs. We will fulfil the position of employer, so all administration is also for our account. You will not have to purchase software, which also makes a big difference. We love to work with agencies to offer completer solutions to your client.


Payroll administration is a precise job. If something goes wrong there, it’s sure to cause a lot of fuss. It’s not something you do every day either, so a mistake is easily made.

Payrolling companies are aware of the rapid changes in laws and regulations. TCP Solutions identifies and implements these changes and thus ensures 100% compliance. We do this daily, and we specialise in this in no less than 12 different European countries. Each country has its own rules, laws and fines. We guarantee that you will not experience any unexpected difficulties.

Always paid in time

Nobody likes to wait for their money very long. Sometimes, due to circumstances, it may happen that salaries haven’t been paid yet. This causes a lot of unrest and discontent among employees. With a payrolling service, you can be sure that your employees’ salaries are always paid timely.
With TCP Solutions, prefinancing even comes standard with our payrolling service. We guarantee that our contractors receive their wages within five workdays after submitting an approved work slip. We consider this to be self-evident. Simply being a good employer.

Payrolling via TCP Solutions

TCP Solutions arranges payrolling for agencies and companies and invoicing concerning self-employed persons. Not just that, however. We ensure that both the client and the contractor comply fully with all laws and regulations. Whether in the Netherlands, Germany or any of the other countries where we have an entity as well as abroad. This provides security: no unexpected fines and the certainty that you’ll get paid optimal wages.

Are you considering payrolling? Please call us on +44 (0) 208 5 800 800 or contact any of our local teams via Contacts or use the Get in Touch form below.

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