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PRESS RELEASE: Capital GES announces Covid-19 business continuity plan functioning well

Last Updated: October 14, 2022

In light of the worldwide propagation of COVID-19, the Swiss Federal Council has categorised the situation in Switzerland as “extraordinary” under the terms of the Swiss Epidemics Act. It is tightening existing measures and enacting new ones affecting the public, organisations and institutions, and the cantons. You can gain a comprehensive overview of the measures being imposed directly on the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health’s website.   

In light of this decision, Capital GES SA has taken immediate steps to activate our Business Continuity Plan which is in full compliance with the Swiss Epidemics Act, Swiss Federal Guidelines on business continuity planning and the recent measures enacted by the Swiss Federal Council. To highlight a few of the steps involved, we have:  

  • Strengthened our IT infrastructure to allow for our entire internal staff to work remotely if required 
  • Equipped our staff with the necessary hardware, lines of communication and training as well as instructed them to work remotely where possible 
  • Ensured that our offices meet Swiss Federal Guidelines on hygiene and are safe for use for our staff members who are currently or temporarily unable to work remotely 
  • Deployed new internal processes, guidelines and efficiencies to help ensure business continuity and minimise potential disruptions in service 

In short, we are fully equipped, operational and at your full disposal whilst doing our part to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus and protect people at especially high risk. Please be aware however, that although we have taken every step possible to minimise disruptions, delays in processing times might occur. This could especially be true when the involvement of third parties are required, such as governmental regulatory bodies, banks and postal services.  

We appreciate that your needs might change, you may require additional support or have additional questions. We invite you to contact us with your specific queries, as and when they arise, on +41 32 732 9700 or email Our Customer and Employee Relations Teams, supported by our in-house experts in HR, payroll, regulatory compliance, and other back office corporate services are ready to assist you on a case-by-case basis.  

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