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New Federal Government in Germany – New Labour Legislations

Last Updated: November 8, 2022

Germany has elected a new federal government, a coalition alliance consisting of the Social Democratic Party, the Free Democratic Party and Alliance 90/The Greens. They have recently published the Coalition treaty, bringing several changes to labour legislations.

What will change?

Minimum wage

First of all, the new government will gradually raise the gross minimum wage from currently € 9,50 per hour to € 9,82 in January 2022 and to €10,45 in July 2022. This won’t have an effect on the labour leasing sector though, as the current minimum wage is already at €10,45 per hour.

Flexible working hours

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the world of work has changed permanently and brought the need for more flexible work options – both from companies and employees. We have covered this in various articles this year.

The Evolution of Work – TCP Solutions Ltd

How the pandemic has impacted the contingent workforce – TCP Solutions Ltd

Goodbye home office? – What companies need to know when returning to the office post pandemic – TCP Solutions Ltd

When work and travel collide – How to work remotely abroad – TCP Solutions Ltd

How to prepare for hybrid working – TCP Solutions Ltd

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Employment and Equal Opportunities is planning to support companies and trade unions in establishing policies for flexible work arrangements. Generally, the 8-hour working day will remain. However, the ministry will work with trade unions and make it possible for collective labour agreements to allow workers, under certain conditions and within certain deadlines to be met, to be able to organise their working time more flexibly. To that end, if collective labour agreements or works agreements allow it, the government is planning to deviate in a limited way from the current Working Hours Act with regards to the maximum daily working hours, which are at the moment 10 hours per day. In any case, trust-based working time will continue to be possible.

Home Office and Mobile Working

Currently, strict work safety regulations such as an ergonomic work place a Germany has elected a new federal government, a coalition alliance consisting of the Social Democratic Party, the Free Democratic Party and Alliance 90/The Greens. They have recently published the Coalition treaty, bringing several changes to labour legislations. Germany has elected a new federal government, a coalition alliance consisting of the Social Democratic Party, the Free Democratic Party and Alliance 90/The Greens. They have recently published the Coalition treaty, bringing several changes to labour legislations. or send us a message via our contact page. We would be delighted to speak to you regarding the possibilities.

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