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Ireland: is Contracting for me?

Last Updated: November 8, 2022

Since the recession, the Irish economy has gone from strength to strength, especially in industries such as; Accountancy, Finance & Banking, IT, Construction and Pharmacy.

Ireland has become a sought after location for companies who want to relocate their business or begin a start-up.

Most individuals are used to working as a PAYE employee for an employer, meaning they don’t have to worry or be responsible for paying their governmental taxes and charges to the Irish Revenue, as it is done at source by their employer, but what about becoming a contractor? Some individuals are hesitant of the idea of becoming a contractor because the thought of managing payroll, as well as completing and filing their own income tax return seems complicated, a lot of responsibility and possibly a hard process.
Well do not fear…. you do not have to do this alone!

Should you decide to become a contractor in Ireland, there are companies you can engage with who will do all of these payroll and tax payments for you, allowing you to just enjoy the perks of being a contractor.
So, let’s take the payroll and revenue responsibilities out of the equation for a minute and explore these perks.
Many organisations in Ireland are looking to hire contractors. This is because they have a need for a project to be completed, which requires a certain skill set and talent.

Companies do not want to permanently employ individuals for a project, and so they look for contractors to fulfil their need for this ‘Contract for Service’.

Take a look at your skill set, your current employment status, your work/life balance and your finances; you need to really understand what a contractor does, its perks and how it can add value to your life. If the shoe fits!
The beauty about being a contractor is that you can be selective with your contract choices; leaving you available to move around organisations or even countries, gaining different experiences, learning new skills and building your network. Once you have finished your contract you can choose to either move onto the next new project, take some time to balance your work / life, take a holiday or go on that adventure you always wanted to go on.

So next time you’re considering a new career move, speak to a recruiter or do research online, and keep an open mind to the contracting world. It may be the best decision you will ever make!!!

Wish to learn more?

If you are interested in working as a contractor or employing in Ireland please call our sales team on +44 (0)208 5 800 800 or send us a message through our contact page. If you have enjoyed reading this blog, you can view our selection of blogs on similar payroll & contracting topics here.

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