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Customer Testimonial – Robert Walters

Last Updated: November 8, 2022

Robert Walters is a large, international recruitment agency, specialised in the finance, legal, tax and treasury sector. As a broker, they find matching candidates for interim or permanent positions for their clients. TCP Solutions works with Robert Walters for several of their clients. Pieter van Schaik, specialised in the brokering of interim professionals within Banking & Financial Services at Robert Walters, talks about this cooperation.

According to Pieter, there has been a strong increase over the past ten years in the demand for interim candidates. “We notice this in our work too. It has various causes, but it’s particularly because of the flexibilisation of the labour market, the increased number of projects and a new generation of employees who don’t want to work for the same employer for ten years anymore. People have a greater need for flexibility, more freedom.”

Deluge of rules

“What I’m seeing as well, especially the past few years, is the deluge of new laws and regulations in the financial sector, especially for banks and insurers. Implementing these new rules is often an enormous task. Think about the requirements stemming from Basel III, which sets standards for the capital reserves that banks are required to maintain themselves. MiFID II too has a significant impact. These are new rules, requiring banks to establish risk profiles for all their investment products, among other things. Complying with all these rules is asking a lot of the bank, both in terms of manpower as well as substantive specialist knowledge.”

Such difficult tasks require the right candidates with the right knowledge. “If we can’t find those in the Netherlands, we ask our international colleagues at Robert Walters”, Pieter says. “It’s about the best candidate and commonly a perfect match. Any less is not accepted. If it’s someone from abroad, so be it.”

Proactive and thoughtful

TCP Solutions operates as a broker for certain clients of Robert Walters. This can be on an interim/self-employed basis or through payrolling. Clients, particularly financial institutions, increasingly choose to let a broker or Multi-Service Provider (MSP) handle the entire financial, administrative and communicative aspect of hiring interim candidates. “TCP Solutions is by far the most proactive, thoughtful broker that I’ve worked with so far”, Pieter says. “The people at TCP are very knowledgeable and have a practical attitude. They understand the laws and regulations I’m facing, such as the new Assessment of Employment Relationships (Deregulation) Act (Wet DBA). They think along with me about useful, quick solutions. This way, I can do my work more efficiently and faster, and I can provide a better service to my client.”

“I also hear that the candidates employed at the end client through TCP find the cooperation a pleasant experience. Particularly the personal contact is highly appreciated. TCP takes time and really pays attention to you.”

Pieter van Schaik is Recruitment Specialist in Interim Finance Professionals Mid, Senior & Executive Level at Robert Walters Amsterdam.

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